I.The vital need for planning, and what
happens if planning does not take place
II.Linking procurement
planning to organizational strategic orientation
III.Sample plans in procurement, which
participants can mold to the needs of their own organizations
IV.The role of stakeholders during planning
V.The need to research the supply market
VI.The advantages of networking with other
procurement officers
VII.The need to relate requirements to
After completing this module, Learners shall be able:
I. To demonstrate an understanding of the
concepts and benefits of procurement planning
II. To demonstrate relevant skills in
procurement planning
III.Exhibit the required attitude for
procurement practitioners
Briefly ,this module looks at:
• The
need for procurement planning in the context of both annual procurement plans
and individual procurement plans.
•A sample process linked to the budgeting
round is provided
•An assessment of the advantages of
procurement planning and the consequences of not undertaking procurement
•The role of stakeholders during the
planning stage is considered,
•The need to actively research the supply
market is explored.
- Module Team: Dr. JOSEPH AKUMUNTU